Depending on the porosity levels, density, texture and state of your daughter's hair, you may have to seal her ends more often with oils...
We know there are lots of advantages to wrapping hair but are there some disadvantages to this ever-encouraged routine?
Yes! Be sure you're not putting heat on the ends often and...
My go to product is the Unwash Hydrating Mask. It's great for natural and processed hair...
Hair should be moisturized every day PERIOD...
Braids/twists with added hair are heavy on their own. Here's what you can do to avoid breakage.
If you're planning on bleaching in a month, prep your hair by...
Usually, on the surface my hair looks really good, feels good and smells good but as of late, if you try to put your hands through it, you may not be able to get that hand back.
Here's the recipe for my favorite DIY deep conditioner.
Traditionally washing Senegalese twists on a weekly basis in my opinion is not advisable because it will result in frizz, loosing them and/or causing matting at the root...
There is no universal answer for this. In my experience trims/cuts should happen based on how much you manipulate your own hair...
Heat damage is not reversible and for the most part just like split ends has to be cut off...