If you're thinking about getting faux locs, before you make the commitment watch Yolanda Renee's video on removing them.

Here's how to build the right hair habits when your hair is in its earliest stage.

Find out what hair stylist Illy Lussiano recommends.

I saw Naptual85 doing an oil rising challenge and her result were amazing. So I decided to give it a try.

Find a girl with braids or a weave, and you'll also find a girl patting her head to satiate her scalp's periodic itching.

I have hypothyroidism and my hair is suffering. What can I do to keep it soft and manageable?

Oil rinsing is quickly becoming popular in the natural hair world as a way for adding shine and locking in moisture to dull, low porosity hair. Find out the ins and outs of this frizz-reducing technique.

Depending on the porosity levels, density, texture and state of your daughter's hair, you may have to seal her ends more often with oils...

If you're struggling with finding a product that has your hair feeling like a bouncy halo, no worries! We've narrowed down the nine most important things to look for in a shampoo.

We know there are lots of advantages to wrapping hair but are there some disadvantages to this ever-encouraged routine?

Yes! Be sure you're not putting heat on the ends often and...

My go to product is the Unwash Hydrating Mask. It's great for natural and processed hair...