– by Antonia
I’ve finally been learning about what Paris has to offer Black hair. I’ve been chatting with people and doing a bit of research. Most recently, I stumbled upon BIB Box (the acronym stands for “Because I’m Beautiful”). BIB is a monthly subscription box, much like Birchbox and Curlbox in the States, that allows you to sample a surprise set of products in order to help you find the ones that are just right for you. It’s a beauty box versus hair box; so it offers makeup, skin care products and hair care products.
I reached out to BIB Box and had the chance to sit down with Nassy, who’s part of the BIB Box team, to learn more about it and her.

bib box
BIB box is pretty new. The first box shipped in December. They ship a limited amount of boxes each month because quality is super important. The team is über concerned about the quality of their customer service and the products their subscribers receive. They offer travel size and full size boxes and each box has a minimum €40 value, while subscribers only pay €20 euros each month. Their February/March box contained hair spray, eyeshadow, nail polish, hand cream and other goodies.

Nassy keeps her hair natural, but isn’t a strict natural. The day we had café her hair was blown out and braided. She shared that she had gone natural because in the future, when she has children, she doesn’t want them to feel different. In her experience growing up, it wasn’t her skin color that had made her feel different, but her hair. Hence she hopes to set a better stage for her kids. She typically goes to the Saint Denis part of Paris for hair products. She makes a “milkshake” out of avocado oil for her hair and uses Shea butter regularly. She’s also a fan of Les Secrets de Loly, which, judging from their site seems to have a great selection of natural hair care products and salon services. I’ll definitely be checking them out.
If you happen to be in France and want to learn more about BIB Box visit their site or following them on Facebook.