They're pretty but are they practical?
You're ready to try a straight crochet install. Great, but what hair brand should you purchase to guarantee a flawless install? From the slippage-free to the heat resilient, we took to YouTube to address all of your hair questions! Check out our latest round-up of the best straight crochet hair to buy for a flawless result.
Need crochet twists, locs or braids? Use this guide to choose what hair to buy.
If you’re looking to install some kinky, curly or wavy crochet hair for a natural look, keep reading to find out which hair works and how some of our favourite vloggers are installing the look themselves.
I think I’m going to go ahead and just claim it... this curly crochet hairstyle is THEEEE hairstyle of winter 2019.
Methods of installing crochets and the types of crochet hair available have come up to the point where they're on an equal playing field as weaves. Here's my take on what crochets and weaves have to offer.