Usually, on the surface my hair looks really good, feels good and smells good but as of late, if you try to put your hands through it, you may not be able to get that hand back.
When I take out my two strand twists, I've noticed that my hair has started to mesh. How do I keep the meshing of my hair to a minimum?
In 2013 I only combed my hair once; it was after I had straightened it for the first time since being natural. I found myself wondering, do I even need to comb my hair when it's not straightened?
If you're past the TWA phase of your natural hair journey, you might have noticed a tiny new "feature" of your hair besides its length. Here's what you need to know about single strand knots.
Hair expert, Anu Prestonia is back to provide answers to a reader's nagging natural hair question: What's the best way to detangle 4C hair?