It’s a bit unsettling that Black women still make news for doing mundane things like wearing their natural hair to work.

From simple curly locks to bright-colored afro puffs, finger waves and high-tops, Black hair versatility was also on display last night!

Multi-talented artist Amatus discusses her music and clothing line, explaining that the hardships she's been through have helped her remain all the more resilient in creating a career with longevity and success.

One year ago I visited Liberia, 24 years after immigrating to the US with my family and was inspired to open a space that gave Liberians access to books

Coming back to Paris on Sunday made me feel like peace is some far off dream buried under ideologies, political agendas and hurt feelings.

Just last Thursday we joined forces with Hairfinity and screened select episodes of Pretty. Check out highlights of the discussion that followed.

Kerry Washington keeps her unrelaxed hair relatively simple off-the-screen but hair seems to be what's making her most powerful and unsaid statement yet.

Whether you’re absolutely clueless about the 2016 election or have given up on trying to figure out the whole “politics thing,” we've got you covered. Here’s the scoop on key issues of the 2016 election.

Adiam Emnay brings a dose of Africa's greatest treasures stateside!

As we take our "Pretty" journey around the world, we're getting acquainted with some of the Black women in the media in Israel.

Length seems to be one of the ways we measure the success of a relationship but lasting isn't necessarily the point of a relationship and ‘forever’ isn't a destination.

Join us in NYC as we watch and chat about Pretty.