Creative director Metasebia Yoseph discusses "Design Week Addis Ababa" and how she's aiming to grow the arts infrastructure in a developing country.

Hair enthusiast and one of television's most coveted actresses, Taraji P. Henson "slays" every look she brings to the screen - small or silver! Check out the Emmy nominated starlet's greatest and latest looks in this week's, Hair Story.

That moment when you realize that your new hairstyle doesn’t really suit the shape of your face.

Meet Candace Mitchell, a computer scientist from Atlanta who developed a product that personalizes a hair care plan for any and every hair type.

From 1968's Christie to 1999's Brandy and the present, we un-comb the many kinks of the Black doll!

This year when I reminisce about the summer, I’ll be thinking about the other South of France, the South West.

We are a nation of immigrants. But at what point do you no longer identify as an immigrant from a homeland far away and become fully American?

Eight years ago my body began changing rapidly and shockingly and there was nothing I could do about it.

YouTuber Tanya Rogers shares her hair journey as a Black women in Israel.

In Paris we learned that Parisian style is generally understated and 'sober' and the Parisian idea of beauty is the typical "European ideal"--tall, blonde and thin.

We've left the City of Light and find ourselves in bustling Milano. But's it's not all 'pizza, mafia, mandolin.'

Here we meet a diverse group of girls who chat about London style, culture and whether or not there's such thing as Black beauty.