Photo by Ibra Ake
With the Mayan D-Day, 12/21/12, behind us it’s time to think about how we want to live the rest of our lives, now that we know that we have more life to live. What do we want to put behind us? Where do we want to go? And how do we get there? What will it really take to turn our resolutions into accomplishments that we cross off at the end of the year? These are probably questions our newly re-elected president is contemplating on this inauguration day. And they are questions that we should consider as individuals.
As un’ruly takes its first steps into the digital world, we’ll use this year to set the stage for a new era. And we encourage you to do the same. In 2013 we’ll define who we are and who we want to be; we’ll chart a course to get there and set sail on that path, taking you along with us and following you on your own journey. This will be a year of self-discovery and evolution. It will also be a year of good conversation and entertainment.
In the coming weeks, nested among the beautiful hairstyles we find on the web and the candid photography we’ll take of you on the street, will be a conversation piece geared at exploring a seemingly superficial riff between those who have black hair and those who don’t. (If you do, we may want to hear your story.) And as we ease into February, we’ll not only look back at our history but also look at the way relationships are changing.
We have so much planned and so much we’re excited to share and converse with you about. As you’ll see, un’ruly is not just a place for black hair, but a place to really engage and connect through a shared experience.
So here’s to a new era!
P.S. To learn about who we are and why we’re here, check out our about page and press release.
Great idea. Now get after it.