Worried you've been doing too much to your hair? Take this quiz to find out if things are as bad as you think.

My go to product is the Unwash Hydrating Mask. It's great for natural and processed hair...

If you're planning on bleaching in a month, prep your hair by...

Usually, on the surface my hair looks really good, feels good and smells good but as of late, if you try to put your hands through it, you may not be able to get that hand back.

Heat damage is not reversible and for the most part just like split ends has to be cut off...

I love being natural but its been four trying years. My struggles are frizz and dullness.

The hair around the hairline and nape area can be very fragile. So prolonged use of weaves or added tension from braids can do damage.

Relaxed hair is an investment and life/hair style choice that requires a little bit more care and maintenance because it is processed hair.

I'm transitioning and I realized I have scabbed hair. How do I care/ style this?

Find out how what products may help nurture your edges back to health after years of tight weaves and braids.

I really love being natural; it’s just for me! But I can’t do certain hairstyles because of my lack of thickness.

With all the hair info available on the net, is seeking out professional help worthwhile?