Ask an Expert: How Do I Keep the Oils in My Daughter’s Hair?

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The fabulous New York based stylist Myss Monique is here to answer your crucial hair concerns. Remember, if you have questions for our experts you can submit them on our submissions page.



Do you have any suggestions for how to keep the oils in my daughter’s hair? We live in Florida ;).


I’m not a parent yet, however, I do understand that finding proper, healthy hair care regimens for your child’s hair can be time consuming, frustrating and overwhelming. Many parents consult with me about the state of their child’s hair and the best solutions to make their job easier. I’ve put together a few helpful tips to get you and your daughter one step away to a healthy hair care journey!

Taking time to add oil to your daughter’s hair is a great solution. It helps lifeless tresses, damaged hair and its a great work out for all hair types when oiling correctly and regularly. Keeping the hair properly moisturized can encourage growth and  prevent hair loss. Depending on the porosity levels, density, texture and state of your daughter’s hair, you may have to seal her ends more often with oils. Lightly oil your daughter’s hair where needed.  Light oils like coconut oil and olive oil can lock in moisture and penetrate the hair shaft for long lasting moisture.

Keeping oils sealed in your daughter’s scalp is more than just oiling the hair. Here are a few more tips for sealing in moisture:

  • massaging oils into the scalp increases and stimulates blood circulation to the scalp
  • you may want to try co-washing (washing with a conditioner) your daughter’s  hair to avoid stripping it of natural moisture with harsh shampoos
  • keep your child’s hair moisturized daily
  • use water based products
  • for longer lasting moisture on the scalp, make your own sealant using a thicker oil like shea butter mixed with water in a spritz bottle
  • use twice the coverage of oils on her hair when sealing
  • style hair in protective styles like braids, twists or both and tuck ends away
  • use a silk scarf or bonnet to protect your daughter’s hair at night

These simple steps can make caring for your child’s hair a lot easier. Remember to have a game plan, a wash day and use the proper products for her hair type. As a parent life can be a roller coaster, but, caring for your child’s hair can be the best ride you’ll ever take!


A much sought-out NYC hairstylist, Myss Monique’s passion for beauty and fashion took shape in her childhood bedroom where she spent her free time styling and designing her dolls hair and clothes. Her versatile skills in hair braiding, extensions, custom wigs, hair cutting, makeup artistry and wardrobe styling has led her to work with well known stars in the sports, fashion and entertainment industry. Check out her portfolio and follow Myss Monique on Twitter and Instagram.


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