Want advice about your specific hair situation from a professional… for free? Our team of mobile stylists gotchu! Submit your question here and we’ll post a response!
Here’s today’s question!
I have been natural for over 5 years and believe I may have 4C type hair. I am not sure what hair products to use as my hair still tends to be frizzy and somewhat dry. What can you suggest?
— Jacqueline
Before we get into what products to use, I’ll say this as someone that is sure they have 4C hair that doesn’t retain much moisture: there’s always going to be some level of dryness and frizz to our hair, especially if your hair is low porosity, it’ll need help retaining moisture. So you’ll have to be quite active in keeping it moisturize. Here’s how you can determine your hair’s porosity. As you’re getting to know your hair, think about your hair goals. Do you just want it to be healthy? Do you want it to grow more? Asking yourself these types of questions will help you determine a routine that’s good for your specific goals vs one that’s based on general rules of thumb. For example, if growth is something you’re looking for then keeping your hair moisturized will help as it moisture can help reduce breakage. If it’s not, then you can determine the level of moisture that feels comfortable to you and your lifestyle.
— Antonia, Unruly Co-founder
Okay now for the products:
Kelli, one of our stylists in NYC says:
A lot of hair products are marketed to us but are not for us. Your hair is made of keratin, which is a type of protein. Hair needs moisture and protein. Moisture starts at the shampoo bowl. I recommend starting with a clarifying shampoo (to eliminate build up), then a moisturizing shampoo and then a steam treatment. When you wash your hair it should be done in sections.
Instead of regular conditioner you can use a deep conditioner when you wash. Section your hair and comb it through. It’s important to use a water-based leave-in or creme-based leave-in and comb it through. Let your hair dry completely if you’re going for a wash-and-go look without touching the curls. Gels are okay if they are alcohol free.
You have to have your ends trimmed every 3-4 months. Here are some brands I recommend: Nexxus, Moroccan Oil, Saryna Key, Mizani, Nioxin Scalp Recovery, Innersense.
For daily maintenance, Latanya, another of our NYC stylists says:
You can add moisture daily with an oil mix: mix coconut oil, avocado oil and black seed oil and a little Manuka honey (just a teaspoon). Put the mix into a squeeze bottle and massage it into your scalp and throughout your hair. This should help keep your hair moisturized and help with frizzing.
Alternatively, as La’Khouri our stylist in DC says, you can try moisturizing with a mixture of any leave in conditioning spray, paired with a bit of oil on either damp or wet hair.