natural hair everywhere: france

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– by Ieshia McDonald

Editor’s Note: With the natural hair movement carving out a space in the US as something that’s more than just a trend, we were curious about how it was doing in other parts of the globe. As such, we’re dedicating this week to our Natural Hair Everywhere series and are speaking with women in five different countries about the rise and growth of kinky hair in each of their locales.

Blogger, Carole Mendy has always seen natural hair in France, but believes that now more women are aware of the beauty of their natural hair and how to style it. “I have grown [up] in a country where long, straight hair was the kind of hair that was suitable to fit in,” says Carole. “Now naturals tend to reaffirm their own identity and beauty by showing and proving that black hair is as gorgeous as Caucasian hair.”

Carole is the creator of Pretty Brown Eyes, a blog dedicated to fashion and beauty. “At first it was supposed to be only about fashion,” says Carole. “I had so many questions about my natural [hair] journey from my friends and family that I thought that it would be a great idea to talk about hair on the blog. That is how it all started.”

According to Carole, the natural hair community in France is growing. “It is noticeable not only by the increasing number of people embracing their natural hair but also by the impact that the natural bloggers, youtubers and others have on the media,” says Carole.

Though the number of natural hair enthusiasts may be growing, the beauty industry in France has yet to be seriously swayed. “It [natural hair] does not look like the typical French model that the media wants the people to believe in,” says Carole. “The message is that good hair is straight, Caucasion-type of hair.” Still, Carole, along with other naturals, are learning to love and embrace their hair. “Do not value your worth in somebody’s eyes,” says Carole. “Change the rules of the game and make your own.”

Check out the all the profiles in our Natural Hair Everywhere Series.

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Articles: 886

One comment

  1. Comment Démêler Des Cheveux Emmêlés et Abîmés à Sec Sans Après-Shampooing ou Ciseaux

    Démêler des
    cheveux sans après-shampooing ou ciseaux n’est jamais pris en compte lorsque
    vos cheveux commencent à s’emmêler, à faire des nœuds et s’abîmer. La première solution que la plupart des personnes prennent en compte est d’humidifier immédiatement les cheveux et utiliser un après-shampooing. Dans certains cas, cela a été, et est, une bonne solution. Cependant, lorsque les cheveux sont vraiment emmêlés ou abîmés – c’est la pire des solutions !

    Porter des tresses, extensions, dreadlocks, chignons pendant longtemps (plus de 4 semaines) peut vraiment être la cause lorsque les racines des cheveux
    commencent à s’emmêler à cause de l’accumulation d’huile et de poussière. Après avoir eu ce genre de coupes de cheveux, la plupart des femmes pensent qu’elles ont juste à faire un shampooing. Lorsqu’elles font ce shampooing, les cheveux se collent ensemble en une masse de cheveux emmêlés, de nœuds et de touffes.

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