Plot Twists

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You might have noticed things are looking a little… unkempt here at Unruly. Well it’s because over the weekend we were hacked. Someone found their way into our site server and deleted all our site files and backups. Turned out our site was one of a number of sites that someone hacked “just for fun.”

I probably should’ve been more upset than I was,  especially with the thought of potentially losing a year and half’s worth of work and in a sense my business. I guess I was unsurprised that something like this would happen. Life throws you curveballs. Frequently. You just have to stand tall like Superman, hands on hips, chest out, impenetrable. And after a while it gets easy to let these things bounce off of you. Coincidently, yesterday I saw the below quote on Facebook that was particularly timely and relevant to me.


I yelled plot twist yesterday (after deciding to counteract this sadistic act by putting more good in the universe) and now we’re moving on. We were able to pull a few backups of the site and are piecing it all back together. So please pardon our appearance as we do so. We’ll be back in true form before you know it.


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An entrepreneur at heart, I founded Unruly in 2013 after spending six great years in advertising. I’m über lazy when it comes to doing my hair so I’m always looking for easy and quick ways to care and style my hair.

Articles: 193

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