Latest Episodes
Current City: Tel Aviv
Pretty is a digital postcard from women around the world to women around the world as told through a weekly documentary series. It explores just how nuanced beauty can be by not only taking a look at how beauty standards vary from country to country but also how they might vary within a city.
We’ve headed east and landed in the sun-filled city of Tel Aviv, Israel. Here we meet Gabby, Gloria, Yityish, Mayana and Efrat who discuss the distinct spirit of Israel, the vibrant and open nature of Tel Aviv and the controversy surrounding Israel’s first Black beauty queen. Meet the girls and the city here.
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Tel Aviv
Where We’ve Been
Messages from women around the world to women around the world
What is Pretty?
A woman’s relationship with beauty is a special one. Beauty can be a source of both pleasure and pain. It’s something to experience and celebrate but it’s also something that needs to be placed. How we define beauty and the role we let it have in our lives can be the difference between beauty undermining your identity and confidence or bolstering it.
Pretty takes a look at how women all over the world place beauty, what it means to them—if it’s something they struggle with or are at peace with. The series travels from city to city across the globe, meeting three to four women in each city, each with their own distinct backgrounds and styles. As we get to know each girl and what beauty means to her, we also take a look at how beauty is defined geographically. We know that beauty can vary across countries but how many definitions of beauty can we find within the smaller confines of a city? And do those definitions widen the larger idea of beauty or validate a narrow definition?
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