Nikki Walton, the creative and therapeutic force behind the site, has for years been unapologetically curly. But there have been a couple moments when she’s switched things up with straight tresses.
Back in 2012 she wrote about getting her hair straightened:
While standing in the mirror this morning at 4am, jet lagged, overwhelmed and feeling as if I’d been hit by a truck, I realized that not only did I not feel like doing my hair, I wanted to try something a lil’ different. I was thinking cut and color… or better yet, cut and flat iron, which sounded slightly less drastic. I’ve been cutting and shaping my own hair and hadn’t been to a stylist (or worn it straight) since Feb 14, 2007, so this was kind of a big deal. I got hubby on the phone to get his opinion and he was like, ‘either way… either way it’s getting pulled!’
For Walton, it was a chance to take a break from doing her own hair as well as a chance to try something different.
If you’re thinking about straightening your hair, check out our Straightening 101 to find out how to do it carefully.