There comes a point in every box braid babe's hair life when she wants to get her Poetic Justice locks off her shoulders and out of the way. Check out these five box braid scarf looks.

We're loving Audaciousdee4c's look; she's essentially created a bang of braids by braiding one large goddess braid around the front of her hair...

This week we're all about box braids and have crawled Instagram to find our favorite box braid babes. We're kicking things off by looking at how you can shake up your braids with color.

So you've made the decision to go natural but opted-out of the Big Chop. Now what? We've got you covered. Find out our top picks of hair styles you can wear while transitioning.

These braids are EVERYTHING! We love Christina's look from her super thick braids tied up in a half pony...