Grammin’: Tessa Thompson Goes to London, Nia Long Attends a Nets Game

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Check out what our favorite hair celebs have been up to this week on Instagram.


Empire star @tarajiphenson rocked a slick high bun, complimented with gelled baby hair and hoop earrings. Her large sunglasses and neck-lined shearling coat completed her fabulous look – Cookie approved!


Breakout star @tessamaethompson has grabbed Hollywood’s heart with her roles in critically-acclaimed movies, such as, Creed and Dear White People. Her recent travels to Europe to promote said films, has inspired quite a gallery of candid shots. And her latest? A fashionable balancing act in a @marykatrantzou frock and @nicholaskirkwood booties.

Ready to talk @creedmovie in London. In @marykatrantzou & @nicholaskirkwood

@iamnialong checked into @barclayscenter, cheering on the @brooklynnets, courtside against the San Antonio Spurs. The Best Man franchise actress donned choppy waves and a deep side part, worthy of her no frills character, Jordan Armstrong.

Thank you @brooklynnets for the court side love. My bestie @abrapilarpotkin always working. #brooklynbaby ?

@gabunion hit the streets of Miami, casually dressed in ripped jeans and a tied flannel around her waist. She posed in front of a fresh BMW, laughingly admitting it wasn’t hers.

Straight Frontin!!! This ain’t ma car, but it’s fllllyyyyy! #MiamiLivin #DwyaneTyroneWadeJr

American soccer player @sydneyleroux celebrated her first anniversary with her husband by sharing photos of themselves on Instagram. Her tresses were loosely curled and they were both dressed quite minimally, drawing the attention to their full-sleeve length of tattoos.

One year ago today we went to a courthouse and got married. Every day I’ve fallen more in love with you except for the days you piss me off. Happy anniversary!
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Ellen Haile
Ellen Haile

My hair falls between the 4A to 4C category, so I’m always looking for the best manageable styles. I live for big, stretched hair, so I often keep it blow dried and call it a day.

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