will men marry a woman who’s married to her weave?

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– by Kyra T, Founder KT Hair Imports

The discussion between men and women regarding hair extensions is an age old and often push button debate. As much as we hate to admit, it’s never simply a “just hair” conversation. And with six out of every ten black consumers wearing wigs or hair extensions, per a 2013 Mintel study, it’s a conversation that’s happening often.

We have developed polarizing and often contradicting opinions on weave, gathered from our personal experiences and societal messaging. So, what’s the answer? Will men embark on a life journey with one who places her weave equally in totem to her future husband? Most would say, “of course not, end of story,” but let’s dig a bit deeper, shall we?

The preference for a woman to accentuate her natural beauty is far from the real issue for most men. In fact, Mintel reported that eight out of ten black men are okay with women wearing hair extensions. Naturally, men desire a woman who is thoughtful about her physical appearance. More commonly, the issue is rooted in the impact women’s beauty preferences have on their daily relationships.

If you’re worried that your hair may be getting more attention than your special someone, here are some questions to contemplate:

  • LIFESTYLE: Does your hair routine disrupt your lifestyle? Does it affect your participation in outdoor activities, your fitness and health, traveling needs, morning routine, your ability to be spontaneous?
  • COMMUNICATION: Do you talk openly about your hair? Often men are repelled by situations that are misunderstood, unspoken or taboo. Speaking casually and openly about your hair preferences will remove common stigmas and ease tension. Creating a dialogue will allow him to see both your external beauty and internal heart.
  • PRIORITIES: If your hair appears as priority, he may view himself as secondary. Can you think of times you’ve sacrificed your appearance for your partner’s needs? Can you ever go without wearing a weave? How important are your extensions verses how the world sees your hair?
  • FINANCES: Living outside your means can be detrimental. Can you really afford the cost of extensions along with salon services and hair products? Are there cheaper alternatives to the type of hair you’re wearing?

Considering how much your hair impacts your life can help you avoid serious issues that arise from a seemingly trivial subject. Chances are, however, if you’re in a deeply committed relationship, you’re loved one has long ago embraced you wholeheartedly, regardless of his personal feelings on beauty and appearance.

Photo: Beyoncé, Why Don’t You Love Me music video
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